got some new sneakers…and one pair is pretty tiny

I have some big news
about something very little.

nike baby announcement / for the love of nike

We’re welcoming a brand new sneakerhead to the world!

May I present, baby sneakerhead!

and we're pregnant! nike announcement

We’re doing a little nesting–stocking up on our favorite sneakers and grabbing a pair for the babe.

Daddy: Nike Court Legacy
Mommy: Nike Air Foce 1PLT.AF.ORM
Baby: Nike Air Force 1LE

We’re big walkers, as evident in our dirty sneaks.
We’re hoping to train the little one in our walking ways.

a pair of beaters for the light Colorado snow days
and a pair of freshie fresh for slightly fancier occasions

now stay tuned to see the tiniest sneakers in action